Contem­plation 6 – Torsten Fischer and Daniele de Lutzel – Inter­na­tional Pirate Politics and the Berlin-based Crew „Mostly Harmless“

Today’s contem­plation was recorded in English because it deals with the latest faction meeting, the English-speaking Pirate crew „Mostly Harmless“ and with inter­na­tional issues concerning Pirate policies. Member of the Berlin Parliament for the faction of the Pirate party, Fabio Reinhardt, hosts this podcast and talks to Daniele de Lutzel, guest student writing her master thesis in ethnology about Pirates, trans­pa­rency and the influence of digital life on society, and to Torsten Fischer, founder and host of the crew „Mostly Harmless“, a meeting point for inter­na­tional residents in Berlin who are sympa­thetic to Pirate policies.

1 Intro­duction Daniele de Lutzel
2 Intro­duction Torsten Fischer
3 Discussion about the 53rd faction meeting on January 15th 2013
3.1 Fairness and process
3.2 Decisions and judgement: immediate research as a unique feature
3.3 Diffe­rences to French political life: organized work and ratio­nality
3.4 Digression plenary meeting: compre­hen­si­bility of topics
3.5 Emotio­nality and authen­ticity
3.6 Giving priority to topics and conflicts
3.7 Strategy and collec­tivity
3.8 Fabio on the faction meting and parti­ci­pation
4 Crew „Mostly Harmless“ (minute 37)
4.1 Platform for inter­na­tional community in Berlin, for residents who are not allowed to vote but would like to parti­cipate and get informed about local politics
4.2 Foreign experi­ences on political questions, broader perspec­tives
4.3 Commitment of the inter­na­tional community and pluralism
5 Inter­na­tional politics and the Pirate party
5.1 European problems and the right-wing parties
5.2 Diversity in the party as a problem of efficiency in parlia­ments
5.3 Inter­na­tional basis and networking: an inter­na­tional left-wing „populist“ party
5.4 French Pirate party: status quo and financing actions
6 The story of the name „Mostly Harmless“

The Pirate crew „Mostly Harmless“ meets every Wednesday in two changing locations:
– Laidak, Boddin­straße 42, Berlin-Neukölln
– Meta Mate Bar, Straß­burger Straße 16, Berlin-Pankow
Web: http://wiki.piraten­
Twitter: @harmless­pi­rates

Daniele de Lutzel can be contacted via eMail: and Twitter: @maya2in1